Can eating enough help you lose weight?

Of course, the principle of losing weight is to create a caloric deficit so that excess energy can be consumed.

Basal metabolic rate

Obesity is a metabolic imbalance caused by long-term energy intake exceeding energy expenditure. The excess energy is converted into fat in the body and excessively accumulates.

Don't diet blindly

When you diet, especially if you diet for a long time, your body feels that your energy cannot meet your energy needs, and it will reduce your basal metabolism.

Strategies for weight loss success

Always pay attention to the correct strategy and method in everything.

1.Eat less high-energy foods.

2.Choose to eat more whole grains.

3.anaerobic interval exercise.

4.Make a plan that suits you.

5.Reward yourself appropriately for your completion.

6.Adjust your daily routine, go to bed early and get up early.

Low-calorie Healthy Snacks


Fresh fruits

Fresh fruits contain vitamins, which are good for the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism.


Various green vegetables

n vegetables contain dietary fiber and are a low-calorie food choice.


Oatmeal yogurt

Not only is it a low-fat food, yogurt can also promote gastrointestinal motility and digestion.


Assorted roasted nuts

Nuts are a satiating snack for weight loss.


Rye or whole wheat bread

Can satisfy people who love bread but want to lose weight.

How to make adjustments in your diet?

Adjust the diet structure, eat less food with high carbohydrate content, and pay attention to the intake of protein, vitamins and trace elements. Eat smaller meals more often to maintain your body’s basic metabolic rate. Not eating after exercise or late at night.

Exercises you can do when losing weight

The most important thing about exercise when losing weight is persistence. After making an exercise plan, you must stick to it. Aerobic breathing, running, swimming, etc. can all be done. Anaerobic breathing, HIIT training can be performed on a yoga mat at home.

2214 Rardin Drive, San Francisco, California, 94103

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